Today was an early one and a long one. We departed Khutze Inlet at 6am for the 55nm cruise up to Lowe Inlet. It was gray and rainy the entire time, but the wind and waves were on our stern all day (as was the current!) so we had a very calm cruise and arrived about an hour before we thought we would! Most of our day looked about like this:

Originally, our plan tomorrow was to stop in Kelp Passage to stage for our Saturday crossing of Dixon Entrance, but the wind for tomorrow afternoon/evening looks like it would make our night at anchor a sporty one and not fun at all, so we instead opted to go into Prince Rupert tomorrow, and leave from there for Foggy Bay on Saturday morning instead. Keeping flexible!

We gathered on Airship to go over the weather plan both for tomorrow and for Dixon Entrance…it’s a lot of information to take in, and we really have a fairly short window before the weather turns again, so fingers crossed it all works out!