Day 18 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Prince Rupert to Foggy Bay

Up again at 4am (okay 4:30am) to check the 4am forecast and conditions for a Dixon Entrance crossing today. The Dixon Entrance East forecast for today looked about the same as last night: Last night at 7pm Green Island was reporting 5ft moderate, and the wind at Grey Islet was SSE 25kts. We were hopeful that things would mellow overnight. This morning, conditions seemed to have improved, except we were … Read more

Day 12 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Bottleneck Inlet to Khutze Inlet

We pulled up anchor in Bottleneck Inlet this morning at 7am and headed out into Finlayson Channel for a four-hour cruise up to Khutze Inlet — one of our favorite anchorages on the northern BC coast. We wanted to arrive at Khutze early enough to leave us with plenty of time to explore. We had favorable current the whole way, and dropped anchor around 11am. It was a beautiful, sunny … Read more

Day 11 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Shearwater to Bottleneck Inlet

The group departed Shearwater just after 8am. Conditions were great for the entire cruise today. Conditions at Ivory Island showed 1ft chop and a low westerly swell. Perfect! Conditions were so nice, that we changed the plan mid-cruise to go further than our planned stop at Rescue Bay today….and on to Bottleneck Inlet. This takes advantage of today’s conditions, and cuts tomorrow’s 43nm cruise to Khutze Inlet to about 29nm. … Read more

Day 10 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Codville Lagoon to Shearwater

Our 18nm cruise over to Shearwater was calm, punctuated by Dall’s porpoises taking turns surfing each boat’s bow and stern wakes. Always fun! Shearwater is always a welcome stop. Groceries, beer/wine/liquor, a laundromat, water, fuel, a chandlery and a hardware store, and a place to dispose of trash and recycling…what more could we ask for? We all tied up on the north side of the dock and then disbursed for … Read more

Day 9 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Green Island to Codville Lagoon

We departed Green Island anchorage at a leisurely hour this morning…everyone was out by around 9am. We turned north in Fitz Hugh Sound and had a very peaceful cruise up to Codville Lagoon. The sky began cloudy and gray and eventually cleared for some blue. A couple miles south of Berhhardt Point we saw whales in the distance. At first just flukes and I thought they were humpbacks, but then … Read more

Day 8 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Allison Harbour to Green Island Anchorage

The forecast for Cape Caution today still looked good when we checked the 4am weather forecast (yep, it’s early). Queen Charlotte Strait: Wind northwest 5 to 15 knots increasing to northwest 15 to 25 this afternoon. Queen Charlotte Sound/Eastern Half: Wind light increasing to northwest 10 to 20 knots this afternoon. Wind northwest 10 to 20 tonight and Sunday. Central Coast from McInnes Island to Pine Island 4pm: Wind light … Read more