Airship | Thomas Bay, Scenery Cove, Baird Glacier and the Glacial Lake

We left Cannery Cove on Tuesday morning after pulling the crab pots (2 keepers) and headed out into Frederick Sound. Very little wind and quite nice besides the rain. As we neared Cape Fanshaw we noticed another boat that had been hanging out over there for an hour or so, and since it’s a popular spot with the whales, we adjusted course to veer a little closer, just in case. … Read more

Airship | Red Bluff Bay and Pybus Bay

Saturday: We left Takatz Bay with the idea we might stop in at Warm Springs, but it was just completely socked in with fog and we opted to keep going to Red Bluff and spend two nights there instead. We texted with friends Tom and Tish on Alaska Quest who were headed to Warm Springs (and hoping for more of my homemade hot sauce), and after comparing schedules (they had … Read more

Airship | From Sitka: Appleton Cove, Basket Bay, Takatz Bay

We hung out for a few days in Sitka while waiting for Kevin’s brother Craig to join us. We made pizza one night that turned out super good. Our usual pepperoni with fresh oregano, honey, and hot chili oil, and an experimental one with burnt ends, tomatoes, olives, and jalapeƱos. Both were great! Since we had a spot on the transient dock on the outside of the boat harbor, we … Read more

Airship | Three Entrance Bay

It rained all night, but by morning the rain had stopped and the sky was quiet. Clouds reflected in the smooth mirror of the bay, interrupted occasionally by schools of tiny fish breaking the surface. The light was soft and we were approaching a low tide, so Kevin went up for some aerial shots. After drone flying and breakfast, it still wasn’t raining so Kevin and I took the dinghy … Read more

Airship | Redoubt Bay to Three Entrance Bay

Before we left Redoubt Bay yesterday morning, I took a few photos of the family of eagles hanging out in the trees next to us. We cruised the short 6nm around the corner to Three Entrance Bay, and right outside there were several charter boats fishing, as well as a couple of humpbacks breaching. It was a little far, and rainy and foggy, but I got a few shots anyway: … Read more

Airship | Leesoffskaia Bay, Redoubt Bay

We had a bit of drama yesterday morning in Leesoffskaia Bay! Well, WE didn’t, but this heron sure did. We heard a big racket outside and went to take a look. One eagle was going after a heron — big mid-air maneuvering and uncomfortable sounds from the heron — the eagle forced the heron to land in the water and then it landed in a nearby tree. Another eagle soon … Read more

Airship | Kalinin Bay, Sitka, Leesoffskaia Bay

Thursday July 4: We cruised about 25nm down the outside of Chichagof Island to Kalinin Bay for what we thought would be two nights, but we changed our minds after some very slow fishing out in Salisbury Sound. The sun came out though, and it was a gorgeous day. On Friday we went into Sitka for one night to get groceries (produce!), go out to dinner (white king at the … Read more

Airship | From Pelican to Pinta Bay, Kimshan Cove, and Klag Bay

Monday: We opted to leave Pelican on the earlier side (not waiting for the cafe or the store to open)…dropped our lines around 7am and headed for the outside of Chichagof (Pinta Cove, 29nm from Pelican). Once outside Lisianski Strait we had a bit of swell from the southwest mixed with some wind wave and current — just a little rolly but not bad. We entered Imperial Passage and continued … Read more