Airship | Smuggler Cove to Irish Bay BC, and on to LaConner, WA

Saturday – We opted to leave our nice calm spot in Smuggler Cove this morning and go south down the Strait of Georgia rather than waiting for tomorrow, even though we knew there was a chance it would be bumpy. The forecasted wind (15-20kts except near Vancouver Island 25kts) would be from the NW, which means mainly behind us, but still with a long fetch where the waves could build. … Read more

Airship | Lund to Smuggler Cove, BC

Before leaving Lund this morning, we walked up to Nancy’s Bakery for breakfast, bought a loaf of fresh bread to-go, and then stopped in the market for some fresh salad greens and a couple other fresh things we might want in the next couple days before getting back to LaConner. We left around 9am and cruised about 43nm to Smuggler Cove, a Provincial Marine Park we have not been to … Read more

Airship | Blenkinsop Bay to Lund, BC (and more dolphins!)

Blenkinsop Bay was calm and beautiful this morning. A tiny bit of fog laying low on the water, but clear besides that. Unfortunately, our timing wasn’t great for the current in Johnstone, and we had as much as 3.8kts against us in some places. We expected current against us, just perhaps not quite that much, and for as long. Luckily though, some of our Pacific white-sided dolphin friends from yesterday … Read more

Airship | Skull Cove to Blenkinsop Bay, BC

Skull Cove was shrouded in fog when we woke this morning…no surprise really. We pulled our anchor and slowly motored through the narrow opening. The fog kept us company off and on (mostly on) until we reached Johnstone Strait. Our original plan was 47nm from Skull Cove to Mound Island (about 6.5 hours) but we decided to go farther, and aimed for Port Neville (71nm).  We had some pretty swift … Read more

Airship | Cape Caution, Skull Cove, BC

We made lunch at Fury Cove, the other two boats left (they maybe had been waiting for the fog to burn off), and after a whole lot of overthinking by me, we decided to get around Cape Caution this afternoon instead of waiting for morning. It could be a little bumpy, but current conditions don’t seem bad (wind under 10kts, Egg Island 1ft chop), so off we went. It was … Read more

Airship | Shearwater, Oyster Cove, Fury Cove, BC

We made an overnight stop on Sunday night in Shearwater with hopes of picking up some produce and grabbing a bite out at Fishermans Pub for dinner. We did have dinner at Fishermans, but the produce was a no-go. We got a couple apples, a bag of carrots, and a some green onions that had about 4 usable ones in the bunch. That’s it. (We did grab a couple bags … Read more

Airship | Roscoe Inlet, BC

We woke to socked in fog yesterday morning in Troup Narrows, so we decided that since our cruise up Roscoe Inlet promised spectacular scenery, we’d wait for the fog to burn off before heading out. We ended up pulling the anchor around 11am. Roscoe Inlet definitely does not disappoint. Sheer granite cliffs and giant domes, towering peaks, beautiful fjord atmosphere…it’s a lot like cruising up Tracy or Endicott Arm…even Ford’s … Read more

Airship | Troup Narrows, BC

So Troup Narrows fully delivered (well, except for the crab closure, but that’s fine). As you can see from the spoiler feature photo, we got some fantastic aurora last night. But we’ll start earlier in the day. Kevin got some great aerials of the anchorage and surrounds after we arrived and got settled: We all dinghied around Troup Passage and did some exploring. This is at the head of our … Read more