We had a nice quiet stay in Portage Bay. We didn’t even put the dinghy down…we did some work, played some music, worked on art…and did a little boat clean up to get ready for another guest!

Friends Brian and Allie on Knot to Worry came into Portage on our second day, and this morning before we left Brian sent us this cool photo he took of Airship the night before.
This morning we pulled anchor and as usual, it was choked with kelp. Here’s Kevin working it off with the boat hook:
The scenery in Frederick Sound this morning was perfectly serene.
We did get into a little fog as we continued south toward Petersburg.
We passed a pod of six of so orcas heading north and were just able to capture a couple fin shots before they disappeared.
As we arrived in Petersburg, the surface of the water was packed with seagulls…likely here for the herring, but they’ve been out there yammering ALL. DAY. It’s pretty great. And there are a couple of huge sea lions hanging out in the fairway behind us…probably just swimming around with their mouths open for snacks.
Since we left Portage at 6am, we arrived in Petersburg around 9:30am, so we walked up to Salty Pantry for some breakfast before doing our reprovisioning (yay produce!) for the week.
Kevin’s mom flew in this afternoon and will be with us as we make our way to Ketchikan. She requested Papa Bear’s Pizza for dinner (okay, twist our arms) so we did that on the early side (with plenty of leftovers) and then walked around town a bit.

We’ll take off in the morning and go through Wrangell Narrows…maybe anchor out at Sokoloff Island tomorrow night. We’ll decide tomorrow!