The weather in Ketchikan yesterday was pretty dramatic…but not for Ketchikan. It was raining sideways, and the wind was gusting to just over 40kts. Even “protected” between the mountains behind us and the cruise ship in front of us, we were getting gusts t0 40kts right here at city floats. We’d been working all morning here on Airship and decided we should go get some late lunch, so I thought I’d head down and hop in the shower. The cruise ship that had previously been at Berth 3 (the one right in front of us) had just left, and I noticed another one out in the channel that looked like it was coming in. Something seemed weird with it. I wondered which berth it was going for, because it didn’t look set up for this one…it seemed too far out toward the middle of the channel or something…I wasn’t sure. I just registered that something seemed weird. Maybe it was just the weather.