Our time in Ketchikan has been spent shopping, doing chores, reprovisioning, visiting the marine stores and museums, and eating out. Ketchikan centers up and down one main street (Tongass Avenue) so it’s relatively easy to get from here to there either on foot, or by using Uber or riding the city bus. We mainly choose to walk to and from everywhere, since we don’t get much walking while cruising. (On our first day in town we walked 10 miles!)

During one of our grocery forays, Sam was in search of queso and hit the motherlode at the “Ketchikan Alaskan and Proud” grocery store.

The weather has been sun and blue skies with a bit of rain and gray mixed in.

On our last night in town the whole group got together for dinner out, stopping first for a beer at a new (about a year old) brewery called Bawden Street Brewery.

We left Bawden Street in time to make our 7:00 p.m. dinner reservation at Cape Fox Lodge. The Cape Fox Lodge can be accessed via funicular up the hill from Creek Street. Always fun!

After a delicious dinner, some folks took Uber/cabs back to the marina, and some of us walked. The streets downtown are all currently in stages of being paved, so there’s chain link fence everywhere.

We’ll head out in the morning (not too early). Next stop: Meyers Chuck!