Another gray, drizzly, but beautiful day! Today was just 27nm from Bottleneck to Khutze, so we did not leave super early.
We cruised past Butedale, which looks as if nothing much has changed since last year.

We turned into Khutze Inlet and made our way to the head of the bay where there were….no other boats!

After the rain slowed down a bit, we all headed out in dinghies to get a closer look at the brown bear on shore.

This guy was munching on sedge grass when he noticed us and stood for a while watching. After putting his nose in the air, he actually started walking toward us, which was odd (and a little unnerving, even though we were well away from him AND in the dinghies).
As he got to the edge of the grass, he sat down, then laid down, crossed his paws on top of a rock, and watched us pass by for a few minutes, until he eventually rested his chin on his paws (just like a dog!!)
Pretty cute, right? We decided he was probably full and sleepy and not too bothered by us but still wanted to keep watch, just in case.
Bob and Shelly’s Maritimo, Great Escape, at anchor in Khutze Inlet.
A handful of harbor seals on a log stuck in the mud of the shoal at the head of the bay.
The group gathered on Airship tonight for an Italian-themed potluck: antipasto, spaghetti with spicy tomato sauce, chicken cutlets, lemon/spinach risotto with prawns we caught, salad, garlic bread…still not starving.
Tomorrow will be a long day: 54nm to Lowe Inlet. Weather calls for….guess what? More rain!