Day 1
Not a lot to report for Day 1! We had an easy cruise from Stuart Island into Canadian waters, clearing customs via phone (thanks Nexus) with no drama and gorgeous weather. We met our fourth boat here in Ganges Harbour (a Selene 45 called Two’s Out, visible just to the left of the tall piling in the photo above) and then we commenced provisioning and wandering around Ganges. Later in the day we all met up on Airship for a light happy hour and to go over the plan for the next few days. The excitement level is high!
Day 2
Today’s cruise was a longish one (68nm) up to Tribune Bay on Hornby Island, but we figured we should make miles while the conditions are so nice (and since all of us have seen this area…best to get to the new spots faster!)

Conditions in the Strait of Georgia were just how we like ’em — alternating rippled/glassy!
We’re all now anchored in Tribune Bay, a large anchorage open to the south on Hornby Island. There’s a long sandy beach perfect for stretching your legs, and plenty of room for many boats.

Tomorrow we’ll leave late in the morning to catch the evening slack at Seymour Narrows…next stop: Kanish Bay!