We never did see the sow and teeny tiny new cub that our friends saw at Pavlof, but before we left this morning, this one came out and was munching some sedge grass on shore. There definitely will be more bears here later when the salmon are running. See last year’s post from the end of July.
Left to our own devices with a comparatively short day (30nm) and a “leave whenever you feel like it” plan, we all were still gone from the anchorage by about 6:30am. Along the way we had calm seas, more humpbacks (mostly in the distance), and eventually….sun!!!

We anchored in Couverden Island Cove by about 10:30am, put out prawn and crab traps, and several people went out to see about a halibut or two.

Haul for the day:
Halibut: zero
Prawns: zero
Crab: zero
Oh well, nice to be outside getting some sun and vitamin D!
The folks from Free Solo were out exploring and got some great humpback shots from just outside our anchorage:
As well as a cool aerial from the headlands:
Tomorrow will be another early day…53nm from here to Taku Harbor. Bonus: the weather is supposed to be gorgeous (78 degrees F in Juneau!!).