We wanted to leave sometime before 6am this morning because it was a long day (53nm) down to Taku Harbor. As has become customary, most of us are pulling anchor at the time we all said we’d set our alarms for…so 5am it was! But the reward was pretty incredible.

We had a tiny bit of wind and a little chop, but the wind wasn’t supposed to pick up until the afternoon (one of the reasons we left early), and that turns out to have been a good choice.

We had a beautiful cruise down Stephens Passage, and by the time we were turning into Taku Harbor the wind had picked up and we were seeing gusts around 20 knots.
The dock was so full of boats!! We’ve never seen it this crowded here! But they were all friendly and moved boats and there was eventually room for all of us…Two’s Out decided to anchor out anyway, and their spot over by the floating dock looks great!

Since the day was so warm and beautiful, we invited the group over for an upper deck happy hour on Airship.

We had put out crab traps after we first got in, and after dinner we went to pull them. Nothing. There are maybe 4 or 5 commercial traps in here total, which is a far cry from the 30-50 of them in past years. It appears Taku may have been overcrabbed and we may need to wait a few years until there’s anything to catch.

We are leaving fairly early again tomorrow to make our way down to Tracy Arm (No-name Cove). We’re aiming to time it so we’re not bucking so much current crossing the bar.