After dinner last night we took a brief dinghy ride over to the falls to look for bears…not here yet.

In the morning, Kevin and I got up early to watch the Formula 1 British Grand Prix live (5:55am!). Kinda fun to be able to do that out here where we had no service at all in previous years!

After the race, we pulled anchor and headed for Peril Strait. Conditions were calm and mostly clear in Chatham Strait.
I made breakfast for us under way — fresh crab and spinach omelet topped with avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a drizzle of bang bang sauce (it’s good on everything!!) 🙂
Once we turned into Peril Strait the wind picked up to 20+ knots from the west, and we had current with us (opposite the wind) so it was a salty, splashy ride. We opted to pass Appleton Cove and continue on to Deep Bay or Baby Bear Bay…ended up choosing Baby Bear Bay. When we arrived we were the only ones here. Kevin took the drone up for some aerials.
Two more boats came in after us, but there’s room for plenty. We’ll get up early and transit Sergius Narrows on the 5:30am slack and head into Sitka. The forecast still looks good for doing some of the outside of Baranof Island, south from Sitka, so that’s the plan at this point!