Day 30 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Takatz Bay to Baby Bear Bay

Chatham Strait this morning was a little rolly but not bad at all — some swells from the south opposing a little current from the north caused a bit of surfing, but it was gentle and manageable. We saw a couple of chill humpbacks and managed to snap a few pics before they dove and disappeared.



As we entered Peril Strait, conditions were downright glassy, and our long 50nm cruise today to Baby Bear Bay was peaceful and relaxing. We even got a bit of sun!

Two’s Out in Peril Strait

After we anchored in Baby Bear Bay, Dick from Ithaka came over to watch the Canadian Grand Prix with us (fun to have another racing fan along!)

Kevin took the drone up for a few pics.

Flotilla anchored in Baby Bear Bay
Flotilla anchored in Baby Bear Bay
Area surrounding Baby Bear Bay
Melissa Lynn anchored in Baby Bear Bay
Two’s Out (and Ithaka, back bay) anchored in Baby Bear Bay
Ithaka anchored in Baby Bear Bay
Peril Strait

We made dinner tonight using the last of our veggies (two zucchini! woohoo), some shrimp, chopped tomatoes, and an Indian butter chicken simmer sauce that we served over coconut jasmine rice. Delicious, and we are right on schedule with the end of fresh veggies and arriving in Sitka tomorrow!

We’ll catch Sergius Narrows just before slack tomorrow, and head on into Sitka!