We haven’t ever been up Bradfield Canal, so after we left Berg Bay, at the bottom of Blake Channel we turned left up Bradfield Canal and headed for an anchorage just past the Harding River. We saw two humpbacks spouting in the distance, twice, but didn’t see them again after that.

We dropped the hook in about 60 feet and promptly took off in the dinghy to explore some of the spots requiring a higher tide: the Harding River, and across the canal in Eagle Bay there’s a lagoon and another river (Eagle River?)

We got a little ways up before meeting a field of rocks and faster moving water.

Across the bay we entered the lagoon with no current at all, explored that, then headed up the river a ways before turning around. We spotted eagles and seagulls but no other wildlife.

Some aerials of our anchorage and the surrounding areas:
The mouth of the Harding River (the one we dinghied up a ways, earlier):
We put crab and shrimp pots down, and in the evening yesterday we had three keepers in one trap, and this morning we had none (but all the bait had been eaten). In the shrimp pots we had just four spot prawns between the two shrimp pots, but check out the size of this one!
We’ll have fresh crab for dinner tonight, with a spot prawn side!