We left Kent Inlet on Thursday morning as the fog was clearing…another beautiful day so far!

We cruised a slightly longer day (39nm) to Rescue Bay, where we put a couple crab traps down.
A little later, we saw a green-hulled Selene approaching from Jackson Narrows…could it be Scott on Impulse? Yes it could! Awesome! So we chatted with him and his friend Tracy and made a plan to cruise together for a couple days.

These shots are looking back west up Jackson Narrows:
And here’s a video Kevin made…Rescue Bay and Jackson Narrows:
Beautiful evening! 70 degrees and mostly clear. We had rockfish tacos for dinner!
Friday: In the morning we had one big male Dungeness keeper (and a few females, and a helmet crab). We pulled anchor around 8am and headed for a new-to-us anchorage we thought we’d stop at before Shearwater — Tro0p Narrows (in Troup Passage, which seems like perhaps that’s a typo and they’re both spelled Troup…uncertain). Anyway, supposed to be good crabbing there!
On our way past Oscar Passage we spotted a couple nearby humpbacks (and several farther west in the passage).
I managed to get a shot of each of the two flukes and got some IDs via happywhale.com:

Always fun to see humpbacks, and fun to have the new Happy Whale superpower for identifying them when possible!
As we continued, we got into some pretty heavy fog. So much for the scenery!
We had a knot and a half against us in Perceval Narrows, but very little swell coming into Seaforth Channel. The fog eventually cleared and the last half of our cruise was beautiful and sunny. We pulled into the Troup Narrows anchorage and immediately noticed a big CRAB CLOSURE sign on shore. Well, bummer. Every single review of this place talked about how great crabbing is here, and we were really hoping to get a few more, but I guess not in the cards. We’ve got one big one from this morning that I’ll do something yum with.
I’m going to make a separate post about Troup Narrows (slight spoiler: SO many photos of really cool stuff!)