We made an overnight stop on Sunday night in Shearwater with hopes of picking up some produce and grabbing a bite out at Fishermans Pub for dinner. We did have dinner at Fishermans, but the produce was a no-go. We got a couple apples, a bag of carrots, and a some green onions that had about 4 usable ones in the bunch. That’s it. (We did grab a couple bags of frozen veggies to tide us over, and we still have a couple zucchini and some brussels sprouts to use.)
Our view from dinner on the patio, where we had the great idea to order two big salads to go with dressing on the side…fresh salads for lunch tomorrow! We each had a burger and shared a caesar salad and it was nice to not cook for ourselves for a night.
On Monday morning we took off and headed for another new-to-us spot: Oyster Cove. We saw a couple of mellow humpbacks mainly resting on the surface out in Fitz Hugh Sound. I only snapped a quick pic of one.
Just past Green Island anchorage, up Fairmile Passage and weaving back in is where you’ll find Oyster Cove, about 7nm back in from Green Island. It was pretty, and very quiet, but not as scenic as the Green Island anchorage, and for a 7nm trek back in to get to Oyster Cove, I’d prefer Green Island. Nice to know what’s back here though! There was a small stream at the head of the bay, but other than that, no big variety of landscape and not much wildlife besides the occasional seagull. The aerial photos Kevin took do a good job of showing how beautiful the area is from the air (a bit more than from sea level). I know, we sound spoiled, and by this point I’ll admit that we are a little bit, for sure.
Here’s a sweet video Kevin made of Oyster Cove and surrounds:
This morning (Tuesday) we motored out and headed for (probably) Fury Cove.
Two hours or so later, we’re anchored in Fury Cove with two other boats. It’s gorgeous, but the fog is starting to roll in (looked pretty thick ahead of us before we turned in). We assume tomorrow’s rounding of Cape Caution will likely be pretty foggy, but hopefully nice and calm!