We left Kake early hoping to beat the forecast 15 knot southerlies on Chatham Strait. As we motored out of Frederick Sound, the wind picked up and the seas built for a few minutes, then died entirely. Perfect!
We anchored partway into Bay of Pillars, relaxed aboard for awhile (a few people went fishing), then explored by dinghy. A narrow, shallow channel leads back to the inner part of the bay. Strong currents—perhaps 5 to 6 knots—run through this channel. Given more time, we might take the big boats through, but on a one night visit, exploring by dinghy is sufficient.
Inside the narrows we found a few more anchorages and a skittish black bear. We traced the perimeter, then headed for the lodge and old cannery site at the entrance to Bay of Pillars. Evidence of the cannery is ample: pilings, rusting hulks, etc.
The lodge itself is privately owned and not really a lodge at all. Instead, it’s a large private residence, one of the few parcels of private property in a vast wilderness.
Bay of Pillars is perhaps not well named. We didn’t find the namesake pillars, but we did find miles of islets, reefs, and islands to explore. The scenery is beautiful in a low, coastal sort of way.