Today was basically chore and explore day in Ketchikan: grocery shopping, laundry for those who needed it, picking up packages at Frontier Shipping, etc.

Today was a little less rainy than yesterday, but still gray and moody. A good day to work on any boat projects or just see the town in the rain. (It has rained a LOT so far this trip.)
The group met for dinner at Bar Harbor Ale House, which used to be the Bar Harbor Restaurant, but is now under new ownership, with a whole new menu. The food and the service was great and it was fun not to cook…again. 🙂
Over at City Floats we noticed some locals pulling up prawn and crab traps (with prawns and crab in them!) so we put down a prawn trap (130 feet deep off the Berth 3 cruise ship dock) while we went to dinner and came back to find 20 big spot prawns!
The prawn trap is back down for the night and we’ll check it in the morning before we head out.
Tomorrow’s destination was Meyers Chuck, but Clarence Strait looks like it’s gonna kick up a bit on Friday and getting out and around into Ernest Sound might be a little sporty, so instead we plan to continue on to Santa Anna Inlet.