Over the last few days the pace of the trip has relaxed. Today, we had our shortest day yet: just nine miles, followed by a day sitting at anchor in Takatz Bay. The truth is we could have spent several days at each of the anchorages we’ve visited this trip, but the distances are too great and the other destinations too tempting to linger. Occasionally, though, it’s nice to catch our breath, sleep in, and not deal with moving the boats, and Takatz Bay is a perfect spot for this. It’s incredibly beautiful, protected from all weather, has tons of room in less than 70 feet of water, and bears frequent the shoreline.

We were fortunate to have excellent weather for our visit.

We got together for another grill night dinner on the raft for our first night in Takatz Bay. Baked potatoes with all the fixings, a big salad, watermelon, and whatever folks brought to grill. After dinner several of us headed back up river to look for bears. We didn’t find any bears this time, but we certainly had plenty of gorgeous scenery.

On Thursday we had a nice quiet morning…slept in, made breakfast, enjoyed the gorgeous scenery out our windows. We all at some point headed out in dinghies or kayaks to explore and look for wildlife. This is a large bay with many coves to poke around in.

In the afternoon, we spotted not one but four bears on shore right near our boats. All of us got out in dinghies to get a little closer look. One sow and three cubs, probably two year olds, were munching on grass and making their way slowly along the shoreline. We stayed with them for over an hour, taking photos and just watching their behavior.

8.7nm today
1004.0nm total