We have now reached the part of the trip where we want to make time up Johnstone Strait. The current can really slow you down, and depending on the wind conditions it can be downright awful to transit. But when the weather is settled and you run with the current, it’s a nice quick way to make miles. We planned the trip in several chunks, trying to time each segment so we ride the current north, then duck into our anchorage when the current is about to turn against us. Today, that meant a slightly early 7:00a.m. departure.
We downed our coffee, pulled up anchors, and slipped into Johnstone, enjoying a 1-4 knot boost our entire route up to Port Neville. We arrived at 11:00a.m. and dropped the hooks, with plenty of time to explore this interesting inlet.
There is a government dock in Port Neville (too small for all of our boats and with heavy current). Rubicon thought they might want to stay at the dock but after we saw a bear onshore they decided to join us at anchor. 🙂
Several of us dropped some crab traps (spoiler, no keepers), then we all dinghied over to Robbers Nob to look at petroglyphs on the rocks near shore.

In the evening we all gathered on Airship for dinner – enchiladas, salad, and nachos. Super fun day today!