We left Shearwater this morning just before 10am. Timing today was for Perceval Narrows, but the swell we expected in Seaforth Channel was almost nonexistent and the wind still hadn’t picked up much by the time we arrived.

We arrived at Perceval Narrows with about 3kts of current helping us along.
And just after that, Pacific white-sided dolphins took turns surfing every boat’s bow wake.

The wind kicked up early in the afternoon to about 18kts, but it was behind us and we barely felt it.

We put crab and prawn traps down, then took dinghies out to explore a bit…nice for people to get a feel for what Jackson Narrows looks like by dinghy before taking the big boats through tomorrow morning.
We’ll all relax and have dinner on our own boats tonight, then head up to Khutze Inlet tomorrow morning. Loving this weather…unbelievable it’s been this nice for this long. Hope it holds! (It won’t.)