This was actually last night in Takatz Bay (Free Solo and Seabear). By the time we got up just before 6am this morning, everyone was gone but us!

We cruised out into Chatham Strait and headed north, and conditions were blue-gray, slightly cloudy, and calm calm calm!

We turned west into Peril Strait, which pretty much looked like this the entire way to Deep Bay (it was a long, boringly beautiful cruise today):

Free Solo went all the way to Sitka today and we’ll rejoin with them tomorrow. The three other boats are all anchored here in Deep Bay, where as soon as we pulled in we were greeted by three bears on shore (okay well not technically “greeted by” but we saw them!) This is historically a great crabbing spot, but since we’re heading into Sitka in the morning where we’ll likely be not cooking much for a few days, we figured we’d save the trouble and wait until after Sitka for crabbing. (And also because it’s raining).