The sky was mostly clear yesterday morning and the clouds were no longer obscuring the tops of the mountain peaks, so we opted to go back down to Gut Bay to show Kevin’s brother another new spot (and more amazing scenery).

We noticed on AIS that there was another boat anchored up at the head of the bay near where we were before with Dan & Eileen on Fortunate, so we opted to try the spot in the south arm this time. It’s possible that the view from here is even better than the view from the head of the bay, but it’s a toss up. There’s definitely less wind here.
We took the dinghy up the little river here near our anchorage, then around and up to the head of the bay and up that river, and then back. It’s just gorgeous, and the weather is totally cooperating. In the inner bay here right next to where we’re anchored, there’s enough depth (and probably enough width) to take a bigger boat in if you stayed mid channel (better still on a high tide)…depth inside in the center is about 40ft, but the benefit doesn’t really outweigh the risk…the view is better outside where we dropped the hook.
Kevin flew the Mavic for more aerials:
This photo, below, shows how skinny that channel is into the inner bay:
Airship is anchored toward the left in the photo below, and you can see the narrow entrance into the inner, smaller bay past that.
This is looking back toward where Airship is anchored (tiny white dot) from up the valley.
This is such a beautiful anchorage.
We dinghied once again back to the inner bay to see if we could spot any bears (no bears) but just as soon as I said “This really seems like the kind of place bears would be” one wandered out from the trees. As soon as it saw us, however, it ran back up river and back into the trees.
I made crab wontons with the crab meat we had left — we had some for an appetizer tonight and will cook up the rest probably tomorrow. I made squid ink pasta with spot prawns in a spicy tomato garlic sauce with an arugula salad for dinner. I forgot to snap a photo, but Craig did not: