Airship | Mosquito Pass to Pelican

After dinner last night (and after I posted yesterday’s post), Kevin went up for some aerial shots of the anchorage at Mosquito Cove. So these are technically from yesterday, but no one cares, right?

Airship, Melissa Lynn, and Fortunate at anchor in Mosquito Pass
Mosquito Pass anchorage, looking south toward Elfin Cove
Friends Rob and Jean on Big Red, anchored on the other side of Mosquito Pass
Rugged coastline of the Inian Islands
Hobbit Hole on the left, Mosquito Pass on the right
Coastline, Inian Islands
Looking north — Hobbit Hole on the right, Mosquito Cove anchorage upper center
Melissa Lynn at anchor in Mosquito Cove

Surprisingly, when we pulled (all three) of our boats’ anchors this morning, none of us had anything like the giant kelp ball we had on ours a few years back. Here’s a photo of it, for reference.

Our windlass couldn’t get it past the waterline!

We had some fog earlier this morning, but it had cleared locally by the time we left Mosquito Cove. Nice view toward Brady Glacier this morning in Cross Sound.

We found space at the end of D dock marked “transient” (the one we’re usually at on B was full up!) and then after lunch, we walked the length of town.

Far back to the right of the ferry landing, you can see the bow of Airship:

It’s Sunday, so the new general store we thought we’d take a look at is closed, so maybe in the morning before we head to the outside of Chichagof Island, we’ll grab breakfast at the cafe and stop in the store after.

It rained most of the early afternoon, but eventually the sun peeked out and made some shadows and warmth for us.

Pelican, view from Airship
Ferry landing and Lisianski Inlet, view from Airship

Tonight we’ll all have dinner on Airship together…I’m making chicken and spinach enchiladas (trying to use proteins from the freezer to make room for fish!!)