We are very much looking forward to some sun, whenever that might happen. We’ll be ready!!
We left the dock in Wrangell around 6am and headed for Wrangell Narrows.

We had a nice push of current with us most of the day today…assuming it would switch direction somewhere in Wrangell Narrows past Papke’s Landing since we were so early, but I don’t think I ever saw any current against us…just dwindling slowly as we made our way into Petersburg. Conditions were nice out (besides the rain)…maybe 10-15kts of wind on our stern and not much chop to speak of…and traffic in the narrows wasn’t too crazy…a few fish boats trolling for kings, but that’s really it.

We all got slips in the North Harbor (nice, we’re all on the same dock, even). Friends (and past flotilla folks) Roberta and John on Eagle 53 Happy Talk were already here, as were Eileen and Dan on Nordic Tug 37 Fortunate, so we got to say hi in person again before we all separate again.
We walked town a bit and grabbed a few things at the grocery store…and then happened to notice our group dinner plan for tonight (Papa Bear’s Pizza) is closed today. Oh well…we have a bunch of crab and other leftovers…probably healthier for us (and hopefully we get to stop on our way south for pizza!)
That thing in the upper right corner? That thing is called the sun, trying super hard to break through the gray.
I made crab tostadas for dinner tonight, and they were delicious. And earlier today, I was reminded by a woman I met on the dock (Hi Barb!) who has friends who did a flotilla with us in 2019 or so, that I should put recipes in the blog occasionally (which I’ve done, but not recently). So here’s my boat version of crab risotto, which we had last night (I forgot to take a photo, but it was pretty and delicious!):
Pressure Cooker Crab Risotto
(For the Instant Pot Mini — this version serves ~4)
2 cups of Arborio Rice
6 cups of chicken or vegetable broth (or prawn stock if you’re going the seafood route)
1-2 large shallots, chopped
2-4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 swig of white wine
Extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp butter
Lemon zest
Juice from half a lemon
¼ to ½ cup parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Turn pressure cooker to saute and add a splash of olive oil to it. When it’s hot, add the shallots and garlic. Sauté until shallots are translucent (about 5 minutes).
Add the rice and lightly toast it to release the starch (a few minutes until rice starts to absorb the oil and shallot juice). Wait until just a couple of grains look golden and your rice is toasted!
Add a swig of white wine to un-stick any rice from the bottom of the cooker, and stir the rice until the wine has fully evaporated.
Add the broth, mix and close the top immediately. Close and lock the lid of the pressure cooker.
Cook for 3 minutes at high pressure. Quick release the IP and stir in any veggies, lemon zest, lemon juice, butter, parmesan, and lastly however much fresh cooked crab you like. I often add a couple handfuls of spinach at this point too. Good sides are asparagus, zucchini, or a caesar salad. Serve immediately, topped with chives, or fresh ground pepper, or more cheese.