We departed Baby Bear Bay the same way we entered…carefully, and without hitting any of the many rocks that poke out into the entrance.

We arrived at Sergius Narrows a bit early and had a 3kt current helping us along…no drama at all. The cruise today into Sitka was gray and rainy but very calm. We barely felt any swell at all in Salisbury Sound.
We saw one humpback and a handful of sea lions along the route, but no photos.

We arrived around 11:15am, all got dock space (with power!) for three nights in Eliason Harbor, and we’ll spend the next couple days exploring town, doing boat chores, and reprovisioning for the next leg of our trip.

It may not be raining tomorrow, so fingers crossed we get some good exploring in and will have some fun things to report (with photos) in our next post!