Day 42 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Ford’s Terror, Dawes Glacier, Wood Spit

A lazy morning at anchor in one of the most gorgeous places we know of. After breakfast, Kevin took the drone up for some aerials:

Ithaka and Airship
Other boats at anchor
Airship, Ithaka, and a Fleming called Blue Pearl
Anchorage in Ford’s Terror, taken from up the valley a little ways
Ford’s Terror anchorage, facing west
Water coming from up the valley
Rock face with waterfall coming down from the ice fields up top
Following the waterfall, looking straight down from above
Looking into the east arm of Ford’s Terror
Our anchorage on the left, east arm to the right

We pulled anchors around 2 and motored to the exit of Ford’s Terror, and then some of us (opting for a long day that will end later this evening by anchoring at Wood Spit), turned left and headed further into Endicott Arm to see if we could get a look at Dawes Glacier. There was a bit more ice up that way when we entered Ford’s Terror a couple days ago, so we weren’t so sure how far we’d get.

The greenery on this cliff face looks like it was purposefully designed!

We got plenty far enough to see the whole face of the glacier. Cool!

Definitely time for some photos of boats and glaciers!

Dick and Patsy (and Brewster) on the bow of Ithaka, Dawes Glacier
Russ and Missie on the bow of Melissa Lynn, Dawes Glacier
Leaving Dawes Glacier

Missie took this fun photo of Ithaka while they stopped to get some ice for their cooler:

More seals and seal pups on icebergs:

We decided to drop the hook at Wood Spit tonight (getting in around 9pm after our detour to Dawes Glacier), rather than go back into Tracy Arm Cove. Wood Spit is gorgeous when conditions in Stephens Passage are settled, and this evening was calm and gray and rainy.

Humpbacks on our way out of Endicott Arm:

The anchorage is a little deep and a little rocky, but we all set just fine and got a good night’s sleep. And the views are spectacular…even in this weather.

Stephens Passage view
Melissa Lynn and Sumdum Glacier, 9:30pm

Tomorrow, on to Juneau!