Day 37 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Funter Bay to Taku Harbor

We left Funter Bay early this morning…6:30am. The chop making its way into the bay woke us up and we figured as long as we were up we might as well be out there. About 30 minutes into the cruise north up Lynn Canal and before we rounded Point Retreat, a humpback breached a few times off our port bow. Love when that happens! Looking west…the marine layer obstructs much … Read more

Day 36 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Pavlof Harbor to Funter Bay

Another day that starts with sun…we’ll happily take it! Looking north up Lynn Canal, just outside the entrance to Funter Bay: As we passed the entrance to Funter Bay, near Station Island, we spotted a couple humpbacks right inside the bay. And just as we anchored inside Coot Cove, we saw another spout or two just at the edge of the cove before the whale dove. The fishing/crabbing was a … Read more

Day 35 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Appleton Cove to Pavlof Harbor

Today was a good day for wildlife! As we rounded the tip of Chichagof Island at Morris Reef, there were a couple of humpbacks hanging out near the point. And on Buoy 35, almost as many sea lions as would fit. I’m sure there’s room for a few more. A little ways up Chatham Strait (which was just about flat the entire cruise), we had some Dall’s porpoises surfing Airship’s … Read more

Day 34 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Sitka to Appleton Cove

Another morning waking up to bright sun! We departed Sitka with with blue skies, flat water, and a nice view of Mt. Edgecumbe. As we headed north in Neva Strait, we spotted a bear on the west shore. At first we thought she had cubs with her, but then we thought nope, those are rocks…too low and not moving. But then, they moved!! Turns out they were tiny cubs…three of … Read more

Days 32-33 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Sitka

We’re all provisioned up and ready to head out in the morning again. Everyone has been making the most of their time in Sitka —  exploring town, walking the totem trails, eating food cooked by others, going to museums, and weaving in and out of cruise ship tourists. Here are a few snaps from the past couple days: We woke Wednesday morning to SUN. Again! Airship and Two’s Out are … Read more

Day 31 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Baby Bear Bay to Sitka

We departed Baby Bear Bay the same way we entered…carefully, and without hitting any of the many rocks that poke out into the entrance. We arrived at Sergius Narrows a bit early and had a 3kt current helping us along…no drama at all. The cruise today into Sitka was gray and rainy but very calm. We barely felt any swell at all in Salisbury Sound. We saw one humpback and … Read more

Day 30 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Takatz Bay to Baby Bear Bay

Chatham Strait this morning was a little rolly but not bad at all — some swells from the south opposing a little current from the north caused a bit of surfing, but it was gentle and manageable. We saw a couple of chill humpbacks and managed to snap a few pics before they dove and disappeared.     As we entered Peril Strait, conditions were downright glassy, and our long … Read more

Day 29 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Warm Springs Bay to Takatz Bay

We left Warm Springs Bay this morning around 8am…partially sunny (mostly cloudy) but not raining. We’ll take it! An easy 9nm cruise up to Takatz Bay, another favorite stop. We saw some humpbacks north in the distance, but a little too far to go visit…maybe they’ll be there in the morning! There was one boat here when we arrived, Chichagof Dream, a larger passenger cruise boat, but they usually anchor … Read more