Airship | Gut Bay to Honey Dew Cove

This morning was still and silent at anchor…nothing but the sounds of birds and the occasional splash from a fish jumping. We pulled anchor around 8:30am and headed out. Out in Chatham Strait it was not calm at all. 15-18kts of wind from the north and 2-3 foot wind waves (against a slight current). Not bad, but we definitely got the boat salty. We saw a handful of humpbacks in … Read more

Airship | Another Stop in Gut Bay

The sky was mostly clear yesterday morning and the clouds were no longer obscuring the tops of the mountain peaks, so we opted to go back down to Gut Bay to show Kevin’s brother another new spot (and more amazing scenery). We noticed on AIS that there was another boat anchored up at the head of the bay near where we were before with Dan & Eileen on Fortunate, so … Read more

Airship | Gut Bay Aerials

At 9pm, after a wonderful dinner on Airship with Dan and Eileen, the rain had finally stopped and the clouds had lifted and the light was gorgeous, so guess what? Aerials!! Airship and Fortunate rafted just inside the mouth of the river, another boat (a Nordhavn called Seacret), came in earlier this evening and is anchored to the right of us in this photo: Wow. Just wow. Definitely coming back … Read more

Airship | Toledo Harbor to Gut Bay

Toledo Harbor was a great stop! I can imagine it wouldn’t be as good if Chatham wasn’t as calm as it was yesterday and last night, but we had a very quiet night at anchor. Same in the morning….look at how flat the water is! We had an uneventful easy cruise as we continued up the east side of Baranof Island. We saw no other boats…not even one! There was … Read more