As we mentioned in our “Rapids!!” post yesterday, our cruise to Forward Harbour was a bit on the gray and rainy side.

Once anchored in Forward Harbour, the three of us dinghied around to each flotilla boat to discuss the next day’s plan. By the time we finished up at around 7:00 p.m. it had stopped raining, so Kevin and Sam took the drones up for some evening aerial photos of our anchorage. We were the only boats in Forward Harbour last night.

We chose to anchor at the head of the bay rather than Douglas Bay because the wind was shooting right into Douglas and we thought we’d be more protected at the head. We were right! We had a very calm night on the hook!
We put a couple of crab traps out last night and pulled up two large male keepers this morning. First crab of the season!

We left Forward Harbour this morning around 7:00 a.m.

Today’s cruise took us out into Johnstone Strait for about 12 miles. Slack turning to flood was at 7:30 a.m. so we figured we’d have current against us most of the way, but that was not the case. We may have had some eddy advantage, but we had current slightly with us for most of the way.

We followed Havannah Channel into Port Harvey Marine Resort on East Cracroft Island. Kevin took the drone up after we were all docked to get some nice overview shots of Port Harvey and surrounding landscape.
We’ve got crab pots and prawn pots out tonight…Dan and Eileen pulled their shrimp pot after just a couple hours and came back with some loot! BC spot prawns!!

Tonight we all met up at the Red Shoe Cafe for a little happy hour before dinner — George’s delicious home made pizza was a hit all around!
Today: 27.5 nautical miles, 3 hours 46 minutes
Flotilla total: 199.5 nautical miles, 28 hours 6 minutes underway
Laura’s Quick Crab Dip
one and half big handfuls of fresh crab meat (cooked)
1/3 of a block of cream cheese, softened
a big spoonful of mayonnaise
a big spoonful of sour cream
juice of half a lemon
several sprinkles of Old Bay
a few sprinkles of Penzey’s roasted garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
a couple of chopped scallionsMix everything together in a bowl and serve with crackers and/or veggies.