September 8 – The weather in Ucluelet was breezy and foggy, with pouring rain this morning. The forecast called for worsening conditions through tomorrow, when winds were predicted to climb to 30-40 knots with heavy rain. Might this be the first taste of fall?
With a lousy forecast, we headed for Joe’s Bay. This is a huge anchorage, with moderate depths, excellent protection, and good holding. We’d stay for a few nights and let the weather pass.
Crossing Loudon Channel to the broken group was a bit bumpy, but the distance is short and conditions weren’t really that bad. You know you’ve been spoiled on a trip around Vancouver Island when a two foot chop suddenly seams rough!
After a rainy morning, the clouds broke and we even enjoyed a few sunbreaks in the afternoon! The group came over to Safe Harbour/Airship for happy hour and to hear the plan for tomorrow (stay put and wait out the weather!).
Kevin took the drone up late in the day for some aerial shots of our environs:
One bizarre experience today: Canadian Border Services officers checked with us twice in one day. The first time was departing Ucluelet. They were aboard a Fisheries RIB and turned on the blue lights as they passed in the opposite direction. A few questions about how long we’d been in Canada and where we’d cleared customs and we were on our way. Later, a different Fisheries RIB came by Joe’s Bay and asked similar questions.
September 9 – Windy and Environment Canada and just about everyone else predicted big winds this morning, and they were spot on! Sustained winds were only in the mid-teens, but the gusts were as high as 35-knots. We’d planned for the wind, allowing lots of scope and swinging room, and nobody dragged. It was rainy, too, with more than an inch falling before noon. Needless to say, we had a lazy morning on the boats, not eager to explore in the maelstrom outside.
By early afternoon, the wind calmed and the rain stopped. Once again, the sun broke out a bit. Some people explored or fished a bit before our evening happy hour, while others continued relaxing aboard. After moving most days for several weeks, it’s nice to have a day off to catch up on naps, reading, and movies!
Today’s Route: 11.2 nautical miles, 1 hour 42 minutes underway
Flotilla Total: 569.9 nautical miles, 85 hours 47 minutes underway