Today is the last leg of flotilla #2 for this summer, and it’s been a blast! We left Admiralty Cove early (6:00 a.m. or so) to beat the wind that was forecast to increase later in the morning, and arrived in Juneau right around 9:00 a.m. Gastineau Channel was busy and there was about a knot of current (as well as some wind) at the marina which made docking a slight challenge, but we welcomed the practice in less than calm conditions!
After getting settled in our slips, we walked into town to stretch our legs and do a few chores. Later, we all met for a group end-of-flotilla dinner at In Bocca Al Lupo, which was super delicious.
There were five (!!!!) cruise ships in town when we arrived, and one more on the schedule.

We have a little more than a week of down time between flotilla legs 2 and 3, and this time will be all about boat chores and projects, reprovisioning, seeing town, having guests, and not having a plan (well, not much of one, anyway). Sam headed south on Safe Harbour the morning after we arrived to meet family in Petersburg for the week, and Laura and Kevin have friends joining on Airship for a trip down to Tracy Arm and Ford’s Terror.
Since arriving in Juneau, we’ve managed to fit a lot in!
We went to a couple of museums:

We ate pel’meni (Russian dumplings) at Pel’meni Juneau, our favorite pel’meni spot (okay, it might be our only pel’meni spot).
We took the tram up to the top of Mt. Roberts and wandered around a bit, enjoying the view:

We went out to Mendenhall Glacier and walked the trail out to the waterfall:

And we have been enjoying several days of gorgeous weather…weather that is supposed to continue to improve, even!
78 degrees?!? Friends joining Airship from San Diego this week will be thrilled!

Today’s total: 21.3nm, 3 hours 1 minute underway
Flotilla total: 273.8nm, 37 hours 51 minutes underway