Today’s cruise from Takatz Bay to Deep Bay was about 53nm. We had great weather again (getting so spoiled!) and the conditions in Chatham Strait were calm. We saw more traffic today than we’ve seen all summer…fish boats, charter yachts, cruise ships, a tug and tow, as well as a few other pleasure boats.
We also saw a large number of Dall’s porpoises! They splashed and jumped and surfed our bow wakes for long stretches of time and Kevin was able to get some cool video from the bow of Airship:
We turned into Peril Strait and made our way to Deep Bay where we all anchored, set out a few crab traps, and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon.

Deep Bay anchorage aerials:
Later for dinner on the raft, folks brought whatever they wanted to throw on the grill. An easy dinner and another fun evening together. Tomorrow we’ll head into Sitka!
Today’s total: 52.5nm, 7 hours 19 minutes underway
Flotilla total: 972.5nm, 135 hours 53 minutes underway