We had a short cruise today, just 25nm from Taku Harbor to Tracy Arm Cove. The morning dawned foggy, but with very low tides predicted later in the morning, we had to vacate the dock or risk sitting in the mud. Thankfully, radar, chart plotters, and AIS make navigating in the fog relatively easy, especially when there’s as little traffic as there is here. We only deviated from our course once for another boat, but had to dodge several icebergs!

After not too long, the remaining fog and gray disappeared, and we all got out to do one of our favorite things here: get a closer look at the nearby icebergs from the dinghies.
We found this incredible iceberg that had a three-tiered waterfall on it! This is a first for us!
Here’s a little video, since a still photo was not really doing it the justice that it deserved:
Some aerials of the anchorage:
This is the first day of the “heatwave” that we keep hearing about further south. Up here, the temperatures are more mild, with sunshine and highs around 70. With the morning fog, it felt a little like August. We’ll take it!
24.7nm today
1282.4nm total