We were greeted with lovely weather this morning for our departure from Ketchikan on the way to Meyers Chuck. Great Escape stayed behind for a bit to wait for a part to be delivered, but the rest of the boats headed north.
Ralph on Rubicon made a dinghy airport run before he left (we’ll miss you Jeanette!!). The Ketchikan airport is on an island across from town, so it’s always fun to pick up or drop off guests at the airport via dinghy.
On our way out the narrow part of Revillagigedo Channel we met a cruise ship coming in. We gave her a wide berth.

Meyers Chuck is a quaint little village with fun hiking trails, a post office, and a good dock. This time, there was a very tiny sailing ship greeting us as we approached the shore.

Cassy’s cinnamon rolls and cookies are always a must-do at Meyers Chuck. We placed our order in the evening for delivery early tomorrow morning. Now, apparently fresh eggs are available as well from the local boat Raven (too bad we’d all just stocked up in Ketchikan!)

Several of us took the hiking trail through the village and out to the point. The tide was super low, which made exploring the beach fun.

We had happy hour on Impulse and went over the plan for tomorrow. The sunset was gorgeous!