Today was another long day…58nm from Tribune Bay to Kanish Bay.

Today’s timing-critical spot is Seymour Narrows, about 7nm north of Campbell River. Currents in Seymour Narrows can run 14-16kts, which means we plan to arrive near slack. Unfortunately, the first slack today was a little too early for us, so we opted to catch the evening slack and go through on an ebb, which is preferable.

We saw our first humpback of the trip today, just south of Cape Mudge.
As expected, the closer we got to Campbell River and Seymour Narrows, the more the current pushed us along. We arrived about an hour early and had maybe 4kts with us…no drama at all. There was one tug and barge coming through at the same time and made arrangements with us about which side of the channel they wanted us on and all was peachy.

We are now anchored in beautiful Kanish Bay, behind the Chain Islands.