We left Mary Cove this morning around 7am or so…exited into Finlayson Channel and pretty quickly saw some spouts over by shore. We thought at first (through the haze) that it was humpbacks, but it was actually a pod of about six orcas…we saw their fins and the steam from their breath, but then we never saw them again. More humpbacks along the way as well, but no sign of the orcas.
This log in the water was enormous! (Look at that gross sky.) 🙁
As calm as it was out, we saw no reason to cut through the Perceval Narrows/Reid Passage way, and went around the outside to Milbanke Sound, which was FLAT calm.
We stopped in Shearwater to grab a few things (mainly produce) but pickings were the slimmest we’ve ever seen. I got a head of cauliflower, about 7 mushrooms, some apples, and some frozen edamame. But we were able to offload our trash, and the harbourmaster said we spent enough not to pay the small trash fee. (Sweet!)
We continued on south from Shearwater to an anchorage we haven’t been to before…Kisameet Bay. We anchored back in the back, dropped in about 45 feet. Took a minute to set, so it’s probably rock covered with a thin layer of mud or sand. There’s a floating dock back here with a couple inflatables and a Lund aluminum skiff, tied to shore with a line.
This is Kisameet Lake…a small stream comes from it into the bay here.
We took the dinghy out to explore a bit before starting dinner prep.
On shore where the floating dock is tied, there’s a ramp and some stairs up the hill, but no structure (like a cabin or something) to be seen from the water.
When we got back, I went online to Google maps to see what I could see back there, and this is what I found. Also, there’s a boat anchored right where we are in this satellite image (lower left, but it’s not us, heh).
Kind of interesting…maybe they’re clearing the land to build something…it’s a small area so doesn’t seem like it would be logging, but maybe?
We’re making tostadas tonight with the coho Kevin caught the other day, topped with a cabbage, apple, jalapeño, cilantro slaw, and an avocado lime crema I just made. Should be yum!
Tomorrow we’ll probably head down to (or near) Fury Cove. Tuesday looks great for rounding Cape Caution, and Monday could also be good…we’ll just see. Still haven’t made a plan for what comes next.