Day 4 | Flotilla to Alaska | Port Neville to Mound Island

This was our first visit to Mound Island with a flotilla. Mound Island is a small island in a cluster of islands near the west end of the Broughtons. It was nicely situated for our planned trip across Queen Charlotte Strait in preparation for rounding Cape Caution in a couple days. There is ample dinghy exploring available through the maze of little islands and rocks and small shallow and intertidal … Read more

Day 3 | Flotilla to Alaska | Kanish Bay to Port Neville

We have now reached the part of the trip where we want to make time up Johnstone Strait. The current can really slow you down, and depending on the wind conditions it can be downright awful to transit. But when the weather is settled and you run with the current, it’s a nice quick way to make miles. We planned the trip in several chunks, trying to time each segment … Read more