We left Nuchatlitz first thing in the morning and headed up Esperanza Inlet toward Tahsis. On our way up Tahsis Inlet, we ran into a pod of orcas (perhaps even the ones we saw out near Nuchatlitz the other day!)
We arrived at the Westview Marina in Tahsis to find it much less busy than when we were here last month. Last month we were just in time for the annual BBQ Cookoff, which was a blast, but having the place mostly to ourselves this time was also nice! We love this marina…the staff is helpful and friendly and creates a great atmosphere up here at the head of the inlet.
It rained a bit today while people got some chores done (laundry, a quick trip for groceries, etc.) On the way back from the store, we stopped at the small Tahsis museum. Timber was the primary industry in Tahsis until 2001 when the mill shut down. With few other commercial opportunities, the population plummeted from several thousand to just a few hundred. Now, the primary industry is summer sport fishing and tourism.

We met for dinner at the restaurant/pub at Westview Marina. The food was great and we had another fun evening together. John Falavolito, the owner of the marina, stopped by our table and chatted for a bit, offering several tips for salmon fishing. We intend to test his ideas in the coming days!
After dinner, the rain had stopped and we were treated to this beautiful rainbow:
Today’s Route: 18.9 nautical miles, 3 hours 13 minutes underway
Flotilla Total: 449.7 nautical miles, 66 hours 39 minutes underway