We left Meyers Chuck this morning at a fairly low tide, making the narrow exit a bit exciting (but not a problem). It was a beautiful clear day, and the seas were fairly calm with just a one-foot chop as we headed around the corner to make our way to Thoms Place.
Soon after we turned into Ernest Sound the water was flat calm.

Great Escape had hung back in Ketchikan to wait for a part to be delivered, but the part didn’t arrive in time. Instead, it was delivered by floatplane directly to the boat at anchor in Thoms place. Seeing the DeHavilland Beaver land, taxi directly up to the back of Great Escape to drop off the part, then take off again was spectacular. The pilot’s name was “Timber.” Perfect.
Bob sent us this photo he took from the back of Great Escape:

Several of us dropped crab traps, some people went out fishing, and we enjoyed a sunny afternoon in Thoms Place.
The wind picked up around dinner, and we gathered aboard Impulse for a wonderful dinner of Thai soup (with chicken, shrimp, tofu and veggies), spicy Thai cucumber salad, and Vietnamese salad rolls.