We awoke to bright sun streaming in through every window and port light…a glorious morning in Cannery Cove!

Rubicon was pulling out just as we got up to take photos…they got an early start today to look for wildlife out by the Brothers Islands.

The rest of the group headed out a little after 8:00a.m. and saw some wildlife along the way: sea otters (one with a baby on its belly!), Dall’s porpoises that surfed our bow for a bit, humpback spouts in the distance, and a colony of sea lions. Our cruise across Stephens Passage to the Tracy Arm bar was calm and uneventful (well, except for the wake from the Disney Wonder cruise ship that rocked us hard long after they passed…but nothing broke). 🙂
We anchored in Tracy Arm Cove, just inside Tracy Arm, and headed out in dinghies to get a closer look at some nearby icebergs.

We saw a super blue iceberg quite a bit further away, but the trip out to it was worth it. Look at that color!
It had its own waterfall!
What a great introduction to this part of the trip! Tomorrow we’ll spend the day cruising up Tracy Arm hoping to get a look at North and/or South Sawyer Glaciers. We heard today that there was a fair amount of ice up the arm, so we’ll see. Ice conditions can change fast around here!