Airship to Alaska | Day 4 | Lund to Squirrel Cove

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 We got up early this morning in Lund and headed up to Nancy’s for breakfast (and a couple of blackberry cinnamon rolls to go). Prawn season opened today, so the docks were crowded with prawn traps and buoys being loaded onto fishing boats. We left after breakfast and decided to head up toward Toba Inlet. I snapped a photo of our neighbor’s boat as they headed out … Read more

Airship to Alaska | Day 3 | More from Lund

I know, I already posted about Lund. Whatever. I think you’ll like these extra photos. We walked over to the Boardwalk Restaurant to check it out and ended up having dinner there. We shared some fish tacos and some fish and chips. Both things were fantastic, but the fish and chips stood out. SUPER yum. Read more on the Riveted blog.

Airship to Alaska | Day 3 | Newcastle Island to Lund

We left Newcastle Island this morning around 8am. We originally thought we’d head up the east side of Vancouver Island to Comox, but the weather was so beautiful and the conditions so calm, we opted to cross the Strait of Georgia today and headed for Lund, BC. Read more on the Riveted blog.

Airship to Alaska | Day 2 | Roche Harbor to Newcastle Island

We left Roche Harbor this morning after a lovely evening with near perfect weather. Check out the light on the chapel last night! At sunset, the Roche Harbor Color Guard does a flag ceremony where they take down the flags (the Washington State flag, the Canadian flag, the British flag, and then the United States flag), complete with soundtrack: Oh Canada, God Save the Queen, Taps, etc. Oh, and a canon … Read more

Airship to Alaska | Day 1 | Anacortes to Roche Harbor

We were finished with all of our boat projects and provisioning a little sooner than we expected, so we decided to head out a couple days early. We left Cap Sante in Anacortes and cruised over to Roche Harbor on San Juan Island today. We figured we’d rather do the one load of laundry we had left over here instead of at Cap Sante. It’s beautiful here, and now we’re just that much … Read more

Airship | Dundas Bay and Flynn Cove, AK

We left Pelican yesterday morning around 7:30am and headed toward Dundas Bay in Glacier Bay National Park. It was sprinkling a little bit, but the sky was clearing and we had a nice view of Brady Glacier underneath a cloud layer as we entered Cross Sound.  Cross Sound was literally swell-less…just a very slight chop. We made our way into Dundas Bay, an unrestricted part of Glacier Bay National Park that … Read more

Airship | Elfin Cove to Pelican

We took our time getting around Wednesday morning in Elfin Cove. Since low tide was early (6am-ish), the flood tide would have been going against us in that narrow, shallow channel so the later we left the better (but probably no big deal either way). We made breakfast, did a little work (the internet was back!) and then walked up to the general store to grab a few things. This … Read more