Airship | Skull Cove to Blenkinsop Bay, BC

Skull Cove was shrouded in fog when we woke this morning…no surprise really. We pulled our anchor and slowly motored through the narrow opening. The fog kept us company off and on (mostly on) until we reached Johnstone Strait. Our original plan was 47nm from Skull Cove to Mound Island (about 6.5 hours) but we decided to go farther, and aimed for Port Neville (71nm).  We had some pretty swift … Read more

Airship | Cape Caution, Skull Cove, BC

We made lunch at Fury Cove, the other two boats left (they maybe had been waiting for the fog to burn off), and after a whole lot of overthinking by me, we decided to get around Cape Caution this afternoon instead of waiting for morning. It could be a little bumpy, but current conditions don’t seem bad (wind under 10kts, Egg Island 1ft chop), so off we went. It was … Read more

Day 14 | Alaska Flotilla Leg 4 | Pruth Bay to Skull Cove

We’ve been watching the weather at Cape Caution for the last several days, and today looked ideal. Environment Canada predicted variable 5 to 15 knot winds. Windy showed gusts in the single digits until mid-afternoon and seas of just two feet. Tomorrow looked just as good. We’d originally planned to spend another night north of Cape Caution. But when the weather looks perfect, why wait for it to possibly get worse?  … Read more

Another Day in Skull Cove, and Nakwakto Rapids at Max Ebb

Guess what? We liked Skull Cove enough to stay a THIRD day! There is so much to explore around here, and with decent internet we are able to get a lot of work done. It’s also nice to have some down time before we start our next flotilla in three days! This morning we decided to visit Nakwakto Rapids near max ebb. Well, we decided to visit NEAR Nakwakto Rapids, … Read more

Big Frypan Bay, Cape Caution, Skull Cove

The forecast for Cape Caution wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. Wind northwest 15-25 knots, diminishing to 10 knots in the morning, and increasing to 15 in the afternoon. Seas 1-2 meters. Windy showed a short period of calm wind close to shore, but it didn’t extend very far offshore, didn’t start until about four in the morning, and ended by the early afternoon. Our concern was that even … Read more