Airship | Princess Louisa Inlet

We had such an incredible New Year’s cruise up to Princess Louisa with Safe Harbor this week. This was our first trip to Princess Louisa and we had the snow-covered gem to ourselves for two days. I see no reason to go back in the crowded summer. 🙂 I published two posts with many, many more photos over on Riveted, but wanted to share a few here as well, in case … Read more

Airship | San Juan Islands

We’ve been cruising around the San Juan Islands for a week or so with Sam on Safe Harbour. We’ve all been working hard creating and recording more webcasts for you as part of our “Mastering the Inside Passage” series. You may have already seen our first installment is “Clearing Canadian Customs.” This will soon be followed by “Clearing US Customs,” “Overview of the Inside Passage,” “WiFi in the Wilderness,” and “Flying Drones from … Read more

Airship | Kayaking Around Melanie Cove | Desolation Sound, BC

After our stop at Mitlenatch Island yesterday, we continued on to Melanie Cove, inside of Desolation Sound Marine Provincial Park. There are three areas to anchor in Desolation Sound Marine Park: Prideaux Haven, Melanie Cove, and Laura Cove. There are three areas to anchor in Desolation Sound Marine Park: Prideaux Haven, Melanie Cove, and Laura Cove. There were 4 or 5 boats in Prideaux Haven, and 5 boats in Melanie Cove when we … Read more

Radioville, Alaska

We left beautiful Klag Bay on Thursday morning (August 4), backtracking out Smooth Channel a little ways to see if we could locate the island where Radioville lived. Bill Pierre in Rose’s Bar in Pelican told us to look for a red shack, and in the Evergreen book Sam had, we managed to find reference to Radioville with a line from the description box to an island (lower left)… The Douglass guide, … Read more

The Outside of Chichagof Island

We left Pelican on Tuesday morning. Lisianski Inlet was gray and drizzly and foggy. This fish boat was just in front of us out of the harbor: The trip out to Lisianski Strait and on to the outside of Chichagof Island was mellow and the weather gradually improved as we continued further west. Hey look! It’s the Gulf of Alaska! The wind was 10-12 knots with 3-4 foot swells, so not a … Read more

Airship | Elfin Cove and Pelican

We left Glacier Bay National Park on Sunday (July 31) and headed to Elfin Cove (through South Inian Pass in Cross Sound). It was nice and calm as we left Glacier Bay, and we even got a little humpback breach on our way out. A humpback near shore, closer to Elfin Cove: We were excited to revisit Elfin Cove and Pelican this year with Tiffani and Deke and Sam and Anna. We tried … Read more

Glacier Bay National Park | Johns Hopkins Inlet

After our Reid Glacier on-foot excursion (and brunch), we cruised around the corner to check out Lamplugh Glacier and then into Johns Hopkins Inlet. We took Airship, and Sam and Anna left Safe Harbour anchored in Reid Inlet and instead went in Sam’s dinghy. That way we’d have Airship as a base and could trade off passengers in the dinghy (able to go closer and be more nimble among the icebergs). The … Read more

Glacier Bay National Park | Exploring Reid Glacier

On Friday morning we dinghied over to Reid Glacier and walked around for an hour or so, exploring the ice and rocks and waterfalls. It’s difficult to explain just how cool this was, so I’m going to post a ton of photos instead of words. Sam and Anna in the fast dinghy: Arriving on shore: Tiny dots, bottom center of photo are Sam and Anna:   Taking turns standing on … Read more