Airship | Another Stop in Gut Bay

The sky was mostly clear yesterday morning and the clouds were no longer obscuring the tops of the mountain peaks, so we opted to go back down to Gut Bay to show Kevin’s brother another new spot (and more amazing scenery). We noticed on AIS that there was another boat anchored up at the head of the bay near where we were before with Dan & Eileen on Fortunate, so … Read more

Airship | Basket Bay and the Marble Grotto

We woke in Pavlof Harbor to very little wind and mostly flat water. What a difference a day can make! We pulled our anchor and left around 10am for our not very long 14nm cruise down to Basket Bay. We arrived right near low tide, and anchored in the north corner of Basket Bay in about 85 feet, set out a couple crab pots, and then dinghied over to the … Read more

Airship | South Arm of Kelp Bay

We said goodbye to Dan and Eileen this morning as they de-rafted from Airship in Gut Bay. We hope to meet up with them later in the summer! Super fun time buddy boating down the outside of Baranof Island! Chatham this morning was nice and calm (no photos) and by the time we turned off into Kelp Bay the wind had picked up just slightly creating less than a one … Read more

Airship | Gut Bay Aerials

At 9pm, after a wonderful dinner on Airship with Dan and Eileen, the rain had finally stopped and the clouds had lifted and the light was gorgeous, so guess what? Aerials!! Airship and Fortunate rafted just inside the mouth of the river, another boat (a Nordhavn called Seacret), came in earlier this evening and is anchored to the right of us in this photo: Wow. Just wow. Definitely coming back … Read more

Airship | Puffin Bay to Toledo Harbor

After the winds died down yesterday afternoon, we had a serene, completely calm overnight in Puffin Bay. We pulled the anchor this morning around 7am and headed for Cape Ommaney. We were hoping the fog would burn off by the time we got to the cape so we could at least see what it looked like. Pretty soon we were definitely feeling the drama of our 3+ knots of current … Read more

Airship | Redfish Bay to Puffin Bay

We woke in Redfish Bay this morning to a thick marine layer of gray, but no big deal because it had already started burning off by the time we left around 8am. It was even calmer outside than it was yesterday…very minor swells and just a tiny bit of wind chop. Today’s trip was under 10nm, so a short hop to check out a new spot. This place is gorgeous!! … Read more

Airship | Scow Bay to Redfish Bay

We left Scow Bay a little early this morning (7am) since we had a longer day than the past few (a whoppin’ 33nm to Redfish Bay). I wish we had just a bit more time to slow down and pop in and out of more anchorages, but I guess it leaves us more to see the next time we do this leg. It’s interesting…the west side of Baranof Island is … Read more

Airship | Redoubt Bay to Scow Bay

We pulled anchor and left Redoubt Bay this morning around 8am. Conditions on the outside were quite calm, with a gentle swell, and I should have taken more photos of the rugged coastline, but I didn’t. Tomorrow. Here’s today’s route from Redoubt Bay to Scow Bay: And here’s a close up so you can see how skinny the entrance is to Scow Bay: And an overall so you get a … Read more