Airship | Johnstone Strait, Kanish Bay, Campbell River

We left Port McNeill and headed down Johnstone Strait with a bit of current helping us along, which was nice. By the time we were at Race Passage we were getting a push of about 4-5 knots. Wheeeee! Due to the full moon and king tides, there is SO MUCH debris in the water right now. Sometimes in light chop, the logs can be quite difficult to see. Other times, … Read more

Airship | Kisameet Bay

We left Mary Cove this morning around 7am or so…exited into Finlayson Channel and pretty quickly saw some spouts over by shore. We thought at first (through the haze) that it was humpbacks, but it was actually a pod of about six orcas…we saw their fins and the steam from their breath, but then we never saw them again. More humpbacks along the way as well, but no sign of … Read more

Airship | McMicking Inlet on Campania Island

Yesterday we cruised from Anger Island past Pitt Island, down Principe Channel, through Nepean Sound and Estevan Sound and into McMicking Inlet on Campania Island. Oh, and I keep meaning to mention…if you click the “Where is Airship?” button on the front page of the blog that shows you where we are via our Garmin InReach, and you see our location marker in a really weird place that a 50 … Read more

Airship | Captain Cove and Anger Inlet

Our very short cruise (10nm) from the Spicer Islands back around to Captain Cove was beautiful and calm, and we passed a couple of humpbacks on the way but I didn’t manage to get any decent photo of either of them.  We dropped the anchor at the very head of Captain Cove in about 35ft, and then decided to go fish for halibut just outside the entrance. A few bites, … Read more

Airship | Spicer Islands

First, a few photos I haven’t posted between Kah Shakes Cove, Dixon Entrance (nice and calm), and one night spent in Prince Rupert (yay sushi!): We left Prince Rupert early this morning and bypassed the turnoff to Grenville Channel, opting for another trip down what we call “the outside of the inside.” Instead of heading for Captain Cove as we’d originally thought, we continued around to the Spicer Islands this … Read more

Airship | Ketchikan to Kah Shakes Cove

We left Ketchikan on Thursday morning after topping off all of the fuels (diesel, propane, dinghy gas) and headed for…well, we weren’t quite sure where yet! We’ve got a good window for crossing Dixon Entrance on Friday or Saturday, so we considered Foggy Bay, Judd Bay (on Duke Island), or somewhere we had not been before, and the new place won: Kah Shakes Cove, just north of Foggy Bay. The … Read more

Airship | Ford’s Terror and Wood Spit

Monday – We left Tracy Arm Cove this morning on the late side (for us – 10am-ish) to get to the entrance to Ford’s Terror by 1:30pm (high slack in Juneau). It’s been a few years since we took Kevin’s brother to Ford’s Terror, and he’s psyched to see it again. The flood current was rippin’ as we crossed the Tracy Arm Bar…maybe 4-5 knots against us. It was very … Read more

Airship | Gut Bay to Honey Dew Cove

This morning was still and silent at anchor…nothing but the sounds of birds and the occasional splash from a fish jumping. We pulled anchor around 8:30am and headed out. Out in Chatham Strait it was not calm at all. 15-18kts of wind from the north and 2-3 foot wind waves (against a slight current). Not bad, but we definitely got the boat salty. We saw a handful of humpbacks in … Read more