Day 2 | Flotilla to Alaska | Tribune Bay to Kanish Bay

Today’s timing challenge was Seymour Narrows. The currents in Seymour Narrows can run to fifteen knots, so passing through near slack is critical. There also can be considerable traffic – barges with tugs, cruise ships – all timing their arrival at the narrows at about the same time. Seymour Narrows is also our gateway to Johnstone Strait, and those same currents (albeit slower than at the narrows) can have a … Read more

Days 0-1 | Flotilla to Alaska | Anacortes WA, Ganges Harbour and Tribune Bay, BC

Day 0 – The 2022 Slowboat Flotilla to Alaska is underway. Over the next four weeks our group will make its way up the Inside Passage through coastal British Columbia, through SE Alaska, ending in Juneau. We’ll pass along the east side of Vancouver Island for around 300 miles, round Cape Caution, then proceed up the gorgeous northern coast of BC, crossing Dixon Entrance into Alaska. We will then continue … Read more

Akeeva | San Francisco to San Diego

October in San Francisco flew by. Before we knew it Halloween, our appointed departure date, was upon us. We planned to harbor hop down the coast, first stopping at Monterey Bay for a few days, then Morro Bay, then around Point Conception and into Santa Barbara. Getting down the coast this way is a mostly daylight affair, and we were particularly looking forward to visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium. As … Read more

Akeeva | Friday Harbor to San Francisco

My last blog entry had us in Hoonah, AK, after returning to Southeast Alaska from Prince William Sound at the beginning of August. The next month was filled with guests, whales, bears, and rain in Alaska. By the middle of August, the rain was getting to us and we were making concrete plans to head south to Mexico for the winter. We figured we’d be back in Washington around the … Read more

Airship | Desolation Sound, Tribune Bay, Tumbo Island, Home

We left Campbell River on a beautiful day, but the nice weather was not planned to last. We chose Prideaux Haven in Desolation Sound as a good spot to stay put for a few nights (and we hadn’t really visited this area since 2016!) We poked into Melanie Cove where there were two boats anchored, but decided the view was better just inside the entrance to Prideaux Haven and returned … Read more

Airship | Vixen Harbor and Helm Bay

We left Wrangell late last Thursday afternoon and got as far as Thoms Place before dark (about 23nm from Wrangell). We dropped some crab traps on the way in and picked them back up on the way out in the morning (with three keeper crabs inside!) The forecast was showing a pretty big blow on Friday and Saturday (gusts to about 40kts in some places), so we needed a good … Read more

Airship | Frederick Sound, Humpbacks, Baird Glacier

We left Red Bluff Bay on Sunday morning and headed across Chatham Strait in beautiful calm conditions. Today’s destination: Pybus Bay on Admiralty Island. We stayed three nights in Pybus Bay (Cannery Cove), primarily to duck out of some weather, but we were also looking forward to relaxing at anchor in the same place for a few days. We spent a lot of time fishing, dinghy exploring, playing music, cooking…the … Read more

Airship | Baranof Island: Sitka to Red Bluff Bay

After spending a handful of days in Juneau, we left and headed for Sitka, where we docked Airship for two whole weeks! Kevin had a work thing going on that we needed reliable internet for (and an airport for a trip to San Jose) and we’d already been in Juneau for a handful of days, so a change of scenery would be nice. We spent some more time wandering around … Read more