Airship | Portage Bay to Petersburg

We had a nice quiet stay in Portage Bay. We didn’t even put the dinghy down…we did some work, played some music, worked on art…and did a little boat clean up to get ready for another guest! Friends Brian and Allie on Knot to Worry came into Portage on our second day, and this morning before we left Brian sent us this cool photo he took of Airship the night … Read more

Day 24 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Petersburg to Pybus Bay

Another 6am departure time…but really only because today was a 52nm day…and conditions out on Frederick Sound were glassy and gorgeous so why NOT be out there as soon as we wake? This view as we head north from Petersburg never gets old. Devil’s Thumb (the tallest point in this mountain range) was obscured by the clouds, but it’s fine…we may see it again next time. We even had some … Read more

Day 23 | 2024 Flotilla to Alaska | Wrangell to Petersburg

We are very much looking forward to some sun, whenever that might happen. We’ll be ready!! We left the dock in Wrangell around 6am and headed for Wrangell Narrows. We had a nice push of current with us most of the day today…assuming it would switch direction somewhere in Wrangell Narrows past Papke’s Landing since we were so early, but I don’t think I ever saw any current against us…just … Read more

Days 21 – 23 | 2023 Flotilla to Alaska | Wrangell to Petersburg

Day 21 – We left Wrangell this morning to time the current at Wrangell Narrows so we could ride the flood in and the ebb out, but we were a little early and we had a pretty good current boost most of the way through (2.8kts at one point!) and we arrived in Petersburg with just under a knot with us. Wrangell Narrows was relatively traffic-free (well, traffic-light at least)…no … Read more

Day 16 | Flotilla to Alaska | Petersburg

Today was a free day in Petersburg. We awoke to clear blue skies and bright sunshine, with a predicted high of about 68 degrees F! How did we get so lucky? We spent the day exploring, provisioning, and enjoying the glorious weather! Petersburg is a proud fishing town and we love looking at all the boats. The sunny weather had many crews outside doing maintenance: painting, sanding, scrubbing, etc. Walking … Read more

Day 15 | Flotilla to Alaska | Day Trip to Le Conte Glacier

Glacier day! For most cruisers, their first visit to a tidewater glacier is both exciting and anxiety-inducing. Since Le Conte Glacier is so close to Petersburg (about 20nm away), it’s an easy day trip. Several years ago we started visiting Le Conte on just a few of the flotilla boats. This lets some people have a day off from driving their boat and allows others to make their first glacier … Read more

Day 14 | Flotilla to Alaska | Wrangell to Petersburg

The shortest navigable route from Wrangell to Petersburg is through Wrangell Narrows, a narrow, winding, rock-laden 22 nautical mile passageway with swift current and lots of traffic. In order to minimize opposing current, we typically time our departure from Wrangell so that we arrive at Papke’s Landing, where the flooding from the north and south meets, at high tide. That way we ride the dying flood into Wrangell Narrows, and … Read more

Day 25-26 | Flotilla to Alaska | Petersburg and Le Conte Glacier

We decided to spend three nights in Petersburg. Part of the reason was practical: we arrived late in the afternoon, will depart in the morning, and will spend a full day out at Le Conte Glacier. This barely gives enough time to get groceries, fix any boat problems, do laundry, or explore Petersburg. Plus we really like Petersburg; it’s a charming, proud small town. So the day after arriving in … Read more