Airship | Circumnavigating Chichagof Island

We picked up Kevin’s brother Craig in Sitka and after changing our planned route probably five times prior to his arrival due to weather (we were hoping to get out on the outside of Chichagof or Baranof), we set out back through Peril Strait, buddy boating with our friend Ralph on Rubicon. The first day we left Sitka early and made the 47nm cruise to Appleton Cove. Airship and cruise … Read more

Airship | Ford’s Terror, Pavlof Cove, Sitka Sound (and a TON of wildlife photos)

Recently, I was reading through John Muir’s notes on his trips to SE Alaska in 1879, 1880, and 1889, and came across the part of his 1880 visit where they went up what is now called Endicott Arm, and into what is now called Ford’s Terror. He didn’t have to call it by name….I knew exactly where they were. “After we had sailed about three miles up this side fiord, … Read more

Airship | Icy Strait: Hoonah, George Islands, Inian Islands, Excursion Inlet

After our trip up Lynn Canal and back, we met up with friends/flotilla folks Ralph and Jeanette (on Rubicon) and Scott (on Impulse) over in Swanson Harbor (where Lynn Canal, Chatham Strait, and Icy Strait all converge). We all got space on the dock and had a nice visit. In the morning, we cruised over to Flynn Cove for one night (Ralph and Jeanette caught a halibut!) and then split … Read more

Airship | Bridget Cove, Skagway, Haines (also Whitehorse and Carcross by Jeep!)

With the flotilla wrapped up and some good weather ahead, we decided to leave Juneau and head around up Lynn Canal. It’s been a few years since we’ve been up, and being in Skagway for the 4th of July weekend sounded like it would be fun! We cruised about 47nm up to Bridget Cove, a great anchorage in settled weather with a beautiful view across Lynn Canal from the northernmost … Read more

Day 30 | Flotilla to Alaska | Taku Harbor to Juneau

We left Taku Harbor around 7:30a.m. and headed north in Stephens Passage toward Juneau. We had a gorgeous view up Taku Inlet before entering Gastineau Channel. There was only one cruise ship in port when we arrived, and the clamor of float plane/tour boat traffic felt pretty quiet comparatively. We all got settled between Harris Harbor and Aurora Basin, and spent the day doing boat chores, exploring town, and enjoying … Read more

Day 29 | Flotilla to Alaska | Ford’s Terror to Taku Harbor

High tide in Juneau today wasn’t until about 1:00p.m., so we wouldn’t be exiting Ford’s Terror until about 1:30p.m., which gave us some more time to enjoy this incredible place (and the fact that we had it completely to ourselves). In the morning, Kevin took the Mavic up for some aerials: The bear was back on the beach, but took a walk the other direction and gave the folks closest … Read more

Days 27-28 | Flotilla to Alaska | Tracy Arm Cove to Ford’s Terror

Excitement ran high today in the flotilla – we are set to move to one of our favorite anchorages anywhere – Ford’s Terror. We have written about Ford’s Terror many times before. It’s an enormous hidden fjord, guarded by a narrow and treacherous entrance. We can enter only at high tide slack current, which seems to happen within an hour after high tide in Juneau. Any other time, there are … Read more

Day 26 | Flotilla to Alaska | Tracy Arm Cruise

We awoke this morning in Tracy Arm Cove to more beautiful weather. We planned to spend the day cruising the length of Tracy Arm to see the North and/or South Sawyer glaciers (depending on ice conditions). We had heard the day before that the ice might be dense, so we prepared ourselves for a possible no-glacier-but-beautiful cruise up the fjord and back (about 20 miles each way). Just before we … Read more