Day 25 | Flotilla to Alaska | Pybus Bay to Tracy Arm Cove

We awoke to bright sun streaming in through every window  and port light…a glorious morning in Cannery Cove! Rubicon was pulling out just as we got up to take photos…they got an early start today to look for wildlife out by the Brothers Islands. The rest of the group headed out a little after 8:00a.m. and saw some wildlife along the way: sea otters (one with a baby on its … Read more

Day 24 | Flotilla to Alaska | Thomas Bay to Pybus Bay

The flotilla left the Ruth Island anchorage in Thomas Bay fairly early this morning for our long cruise to Cannery Cove in Pybus Bay – on Admiralty Island. Cannery Cove is a stunning anchorage – set in a giant bowl of snowcapped peaks. We often see bears, eagles, seals, sea lions, and more – and frequently catch crab, shrimp, halibut, and rockfish in and around the bay. Admiralty Island is … Read more

Day 23 | Flotilla to Alaska | Petersburg to Thomas Bay

With everyone reprovisioned for a week away from civilization, we left Petersburg this morning for Thomas Bay – a short 19-mile hop across Frederick Sound. Thomas Bay is a huge inlet with several viable anchorages. It’s close enough to Petersburg to get quite a bit of day fishing and sightseeing traffic as well. Our sunny Petersburg weather had given way to cloudy, rainy conditions but we went ahead undeterred. Once … Read more

Day 22 | Flotilla to Alaska | Day Trip to LeConte Glacier

Today was LeConte Glacier field trip day. Scott was kind enough to invite everyone to do the trip aboard Impulse – a beautiful 53 Selene. The water was smooth and we zipped out of Petersburg with a few knots of current boosting us along. After a couple of hours, we saw the first icebergs in the distance along the shore. We crossed the bar into LeConte Bay and enjoyed picking … Read more

Day 21 | Flotilla to Alaska | Wrangell to Petersburg

Going from Wrangell to Petersburg involves transiting Wrangell Narrows. The narrows are, well, narrow, and have currents that can run over 6 knots. Normally, we try to time the narrows so we arrive at the middle point – Papke’s Landing – where the current splits and goes opposite directions as the flood turns to ebb. That allows us to ride the flood current into the middle, then ride the ebb … Read more

Day 20 | Flotilla to Alaska | Thoms Place to Wrangell

Before we left Thoms Place this morning, we pulled up the two crab pots we’d put out last night and had two male keepers (Dungeness). Finally! Crabbing has been slow this summer so far! The weather was spectacular as we headed through Zimovia Narrows – warm and sunny with a light breeze from behind. Aboard Airship we enjoyed the ride from the flybridge. As soon as we got to Wrangell … Read more

Day 19 | Flotilla to Alaska | Meyers Chuck to Thoms Place

We left Meyers Chuck this morning at a fairly low tide, making the narrow exit a bit exciting (but not a problem). It was a beautiful clear day, and the seas were fairly calm with just a one-foot chop as we headed around the corner to make our way to Thoms Place. Soon after we turned into Ernest Sound the water was flat calm. Great Escape had hung back in … Read more

Day 18 | Flotilla to Alaska | Ketchikan to Meyers Chuck

We were greeted with lovely weather this morning for our departure from Ketchikan on the way to Meyers Chuck. Great Escape stayed behind for a bit to wait for a part to be delivered, but the rest of the boats headed north. Ralph on Rubicon made a dinghy airport run before he left (we’ll miss you Jeanette!!). The Ketchikan airport is on an island across from town, so it’s always … Read more